The Kodak camera center lets you set up a Camera Favorites album for your camera, and send email nicknames and album names to the camera. To use the camera center, your camera must be connected to your computer.
NOTE: Some Kodak camera center features are available only when a Kodak EasyShare camera that supports the feature is connected to your computer. You can always access the EasyShare Address Book to edit addresses and add contacts.
u Camera Favorites is available only for some Kodak EasyShare cameras. Depending on whether you have set up a Camera Favorites album, the task workspace displays the following.
If the Camera Favorites album is
u Set up, you can change the memory allocated on the camera for the album, select how the pictures are added to the album, remove the album, and send album updates to the connected camera.
u Not set up, you can start a Wizard to guide you through setting up the album.
u Address Book displays the Address Book window where you retrieve email nicknames from the camera, select nicknames from the EasyShare Address Book, and send the nicknames to the camera.
u Album Names displays the Send Album Names to Camera window where you select EasyShare albums and copy the album names to the camera.